Friday, August 27, 2010

267 Days to Go!

Hi! I am so excited to be starting this blog. I've been reading wedding blogs for quite some time & thought why not start one myself? I hope you enjoy reading & going on this adventure with me :)

Lets start at the beginning, shall we?

Ryan & I met on July 4, 2008 in a para
de. We didn't have our first date until November because someone coughcoughRYANcoughcough had a significant other at the time. On November 20th, Ryan took me out on the most wonderful 1st date - drinks at the Hancock Tower, beer pong at Streeters, pizza at Pizano's, etc. His love for beer & pizza was almost on par with mine, which was quite a delightful surprise. Since then we've honestly been inseparable & on April 17, 2010 he asked me to marry him. Yay!

Now we are smack dab in the middle of planning our laid-back, yet upscale navy blue, yellow, and white wedding in the beautiful Fontana, Wisconsin!

1 comment:

  1. Dude I picked this exact background for my class blog. Great minds. I have a million fond memories of Fontana too! Before G & I were dating and when we should have been working, we drove the Red Bull car to Lake Geneva and I was trying to find the house. I totally forgot it was Fontana but we asked a mailperson who knew where I meant by my description. Random!!

    Anyway the blog looks great and I hope the wedding plans are going swimmingly! Love you!!
