Monday, August 30, 2010

Why Fontana, you ask?

Ahhh, so relaxing!

As a kid, my family had a lakehouse in Fontana, WI & while it was always hard leaving friends for the summer - I wouldn't trade in those summers for anything. The memories of camp, the playground, the beach, playing Uno, sleeping in a room with my brother & sister, making my mom braid my extremely thick hair into very uneven braids (love you mom!), eating way too much blue moon ice cream and just being with my family in such a happy place are honestly some of my favorite childhood memories. In fact, they're the most vivid childhood memories I have & am so glad they are as happy as they are.

When Ryan & I first started talking about the wedding we thought maybe we'd have it in Rockford, IL since it's where I grew up. However, it just didn't feel right. While I love Rockford, it didn't have the venues or feeling I was going for. We toyed with Indianapolis since it's where he's from or maybe even somewhere beachy, but nothing felt like us. In comes Fontana, WI where we've always had a ton of fun visiting & have fallen even more in love with each other every time we're there. It has the beachy-ness of a destination wedding, but its close enough where most of guests won't have to fly to get there. After thinking/talking/and internet stalking Churches, venues, bars and restaurants we decided Fontana, WI is where we want to say "I Do".

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU. And yes, I plan on reading everything you write. It sounds like you have picked an enchanting, meaningful place for your wedding. How wonderful.

    Congratulations, Jenny and Ryan!

    Love and Aloha, Kate G
